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London SEO Agency Reviews Impact Of Voice Search On Traditional SEo

Everyone involved in the game of SEO knows how difficult it is to predict what will impact in the future. Even at the moment no one exactly knows how to make the perfect SEO that will have absolutely no flaws.

However, the marketing business would be out of jobs if people completely didn’t know what they are doing. Ask any marketer and they’ll surely tell you how important SEO is for your blog, website, and business in general. If you have a web page and you want it to rank higher on the search engines you must pay attention to all the details regarding the SEO.

This London SEO agency is trying to find out how voice recognition and using it for search needs online will impact the future of SEO. Their reviews and analysis show that until next year half of the searches online will be done by voice recognition. They think this will happen because each year the voice search increases and there’s no reason this trend to stop.

Since Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant showed up on our Smartphones, people started using them in all situations. This is completely normal because the voice search is more convenient than the traditional typing search. People often need to search for something while driving or walking on the street. We all know how dangerous driving and typing is, but talking to the Smartphone that’s placed on a base is completely okay.

What marketers know about SEO is that it always follow the trends. This means that getting a good SEO in the future will include some keywords and phrases that are similar to those that people use while voice searching. It is different searching on a keyboard from a computer and from a Smartphone or Tablet. The mind simply works on a different level. Now just imagine how different it is when people search by talking instead of writing on the keyboards. Here’s a nice article about this.

The search this agency made suggest some interesting facts too. They say that companies will need to make a “radio test”. This would mean that companies will have to test their brand name to see if it is clearly heard when it is spoken by a random person searching. This makes complete sense. The computer must clearly understand what the person is searching for. If you ever searched for something using voice recognition you know how funny but also annoying at the same time, searching can be.

Another interesting prediction is that websites that are not Smartphone optimized or have no version of their page for Smartphones will be automatically taken down from the algorithm. The reason for this is search engines to optimize the search and offer the best results to people asking for questions.

One of the most important changes that will happen in the future after the voice recognition according to the agency, is the localization of the search. If we take a look at the most popular searches on Google we’ll see that in the first 11 places there are 4 pages that are location-based. That’s Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, and Weather. Combined, they have more than 265 million searches as of February this year. Knowing this and having in mind that by the next year half of this number will be searched using voice control, then it shouldn’t be surprising that SEO will rely more on location. See the full search of 100 most searched keywords here:

All this means that the SEO will be changed again very soon. The traditional SEO as we call it was going through a lot of changes in the past and is constantly changing without anyone know directly. The SEO system is made for providing the best search possible and getting the most relevant results.

Whoever didn’t adjust in the past is not relevant anymore. The ones that will not adjust in the future will have to face the same result. Of course, companies and businesses that knew how to stay in line with the new trends, today still have success in their field. The analysis of the London agency should be taken in serious consideration if business owners want success.

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